
A project promoted by the centres in the Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios

360º Vision

A global, cross-disciplinary vision


The power of knowledge over our decisions

Service oriented

If it helps you, it helps us all


A mosaic of experts


A great team for a great project

Combined Shape


We insist that people are the centre of health and social care and must have accurate, evidence-based information that empowers them to make decisions on their own health and emotional well-being.

img_proyecto-02-EN Health professionals Social sector professionals First person Citizenship Associations Teachers Volunteers

Mental health is everyone’s concern

Teamwork and mutual trust to face the challenges of mental health.

With the collaboration of over 800 interdisciplinary experts

Dr. Montserrat Esquerda Aresté

Director of the Borja Institute of Bioethics. Ramon Llull University. Phd in pediatrics
SJD Terres de Lleida
Montserrat Esquerda

Yolanda Osorio López

Psychiatrist. Coordinator of the Mental Health among the Homeless Team (ESMES) and Immigrant Population Mental Healthcare (SATMI) programmes
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
Yolanda Osorio López

Ángel A. Urbina

Social activist
Associació la Muralla
Ángel A. Urbina

María Prats Pidemunt

Psychologist, Trainer and Project Technician
Federacio VEUS
Maria Prats Pidemunt. Federació Veus

Dr. Daniel Vega Moreno

Doctor of psychology
Consorci Sanitari de l'Anoia
Dr. Daniel Vega Moreno

Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga

Head of the Psychiatry Department
Vall Hebron
Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga

Joan Roa Natividad

Psychologist. Associate professor and researcher in Social Psychology
Universitat de Girona
Joan Roa

Daniel Toro-Pérez

Psychologist. Palliative Care and Complex Chronic Patient (C2P2) Department Mental Health Area.
Logotipo del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
Daniel Toro Pérez

Vanessa Pera Guardiola

Psychiatrist. Head of the Infant-Youth Field
SJD Terres de Lleida
Vanessa Pera Guardiola

Martí Ezquerro Riquelme

Social worker. Intecserveis Special Work Centre (CET)
Fundacio Benito Menni
Martí Ezquerro Riquelme

Hernán María Sampietro

Project Coordinator
Hernán Sampietro. Psicólogo. Coordinador de Proyectos ActivaMent Catalunya Associació

Ares Sentenach Carbó

Enfermera pediátrica. Unidad Multidisciplinaria del trastorno del espectro del autismo (UnimTEA)
Logotipo del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
Ares Sentenach Carbó

Cecilia Borrás

Psychologist. Founding President
Logotipo de la Asociación Después del Suicidio – Asociación de Supervivientes (DSAS)
Cecilia Borrás

Lola Domene López

Enfermera especialista en Salud Mental.
Logotipo del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
Lola Domene López

Dra. Begoña Román Maestre

Presidenta del Comitè d’Ètica de Serveis Socials de Catalunya.
Dra. Begoña Román Maestre

Marta Oliu Gavañach

Educadora social. Directora del Grupo de Teatro Inclusivo Crisálida. Unidad Terapéutica Els Til·lers.
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
Marta Oliu Gavañach

Pere Folguera Parcet

Pere Folguera Parcet

Francina Alsina Canudas

Taula d'Entitats Tercer Sector Social
Francina Alsina Canudas

Marta Revert Garijo

Nurse. End of Life and Loneliness Programme.
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
Marta Revert Garijo

Balma Soraya Hernández Moscoso

Social healthcare worker. Palliative Care and Complex Chronic Patient (C2P2) Department
Logotipo del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
Balma Soraya Hernández Moscoso

Mercè Torrentallé Rocaspana

Member of the Women and First-hand Experience in Mental Health State Network.
Federacio SM Catalunya
Mercè Torrentallé Rocaspana

Dr. Joan Carles March Cerdà

Doctor of Medicine. Professor
Escuela Andaluza Salud Pública
Joan Carles March Cerdà

Palmira Rius Tormo

Logotipo del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu - Terres de Lleida
Palmira Rius Tormo

Raquel Montllor Linares

Mental health activist
Raquel Montllor Linares

Alejandro Estébanez García

General manager
PDA Bullying
Alejandro Estébanez García

Dr. Francisco Villar Cabeza

Clinical Psychologist. Coordinator of the Care Program for Suicidal Behaviours in Minors
Logotipo del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
Francisco Villar Cabeza

Dra. Susana Ochoa Güerre

Coordinator of the Research Unit
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
Susana Ochoa

We share knowledge and experience in mental health out of a commitment to quality, rigour, innovation and ethics

Recuperación Duelo Autoestima Parentalidad Exclusión social Apoyo entre iguales Detección precoz Sospecha
In SOM you can find:
  • Ask the expert

  • Digital meetings

  • First-hand accounts

  • Articles

  • Monographs

  • Interviews and debates

  • Multimedia materials

  • Surveys

SOM puts people at the centre, seeing them as social beings; it is inclusive and defends human rights

We are committed to the sustainable development goals.

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